Posts Tagged ‘ Gaza ’

Gaza Bleeds

Nov 23rd, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Social, World

Israel destroyed in few days what Palestinians built in years. But this War proved one thing __ Israel is not unconquerable. Israel has used its full military power but wasn’t able to defeat the hearts and minds of people of Gaza. Even after such a heavy destruction, the people of Palestine are steadfast and pursuing […]

Heroes of Gaza – II

May 28th, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Lauren Booth's Diary, World

I, a stranger here in Beit Hanoun, walk down this road at dusk. Every window with a face in offers me ‘Salam.’ The doorway of the sole shop has a family sitting in it, I wave. ‘Assalamu Alaykum’, they shout at me – cheerily. Yes cheerily, I feel the lump in my throat that I […]

Heroes of Gaza – I

May 27th, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Lauren Booth's Diary, World

I write this from a freezing, dark hostel room in the centre of Gaza. This area is now in a twelve hour blackout, so there will be no hot water to shower with this morning and no internet. After three days here, I feel, dirty, tired and emotionally wrung out. Yet, I know that in […]