Posts Tagged ‘ colonialism ’

Dr Muhammad Iqbal’s Political Philosophy in the light of his poem, The Advisory Council of Satan (Iblees ki Majlis-i-Shura) – (1936)

Nov 9th, 2015 | By | Category: history, Latest

 1. Introduction ‘Muhammad Iqbal – lawyer, jurist, and poet – rests in a simple tomb just outside the main entrance to the Badshahi mosque in Lahore. That simple tomb is a place of pilgrimage to me. For Iqbal was a man who belonged to all races; his concepts had universal appeal. He spoke to the […]

Toxic Effects of Inferiority Complex (III)

Jan 25th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, World

In South Africa there are two million whites against almost thirteen million native people, and it has never occurred to a single black to consider himself superior to a member of the white minority.– Frantz Fanon The feeling of inferiority of the colonized is the correlative to the European’s feeling of superiority. Let us have […]

Historical Roots of Inferiority Complex (II)

Jan 23rd, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Religion, World

Colonial Invasion & State Structures. Loss of self-confidence in Muslims is justifiably related to defeats on the battlegrounds at the hands of west. But a military defeat is not enough to enslave hearts and minds, as it can be an impetus for revenge. Today Muslims are envious of West’s power, which proves the fact that […]

Inferiority Complex And The Disease Known as Civilization (I)

Jan 21st, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, World

I am talking of millions of men who have been skillfully injected with fear, inferiority complexes, trepidation, servility, despair, abasement. —Aimé Césaire, Discours sur le Colonialisme The independence movements in colonies and protectorates came into being, not through a return to indigenous values on the part of those concerned, but through the absorption of occidental […]