Defending Vulgarity

Apr 29th, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Media Watch, Pakistan, Religion

‘Branding’ as modern and targeting a niche which tags itself with ‘ultra-liberalism’ is certainly a matter of bread and butter for a section of media which is trying to bash every moral value. The target market of some newspapers might be  the ultra liberal, highly sophisticated and modern society; where ‘everything’ is allowed as long as its not religious. It’s a source of earning for them to target that niche. But there must be some standard moral values for everyone to follow.

When society raises its voice against immorality, a section of press and media retaliates by raising hue and cry over it.  Raising voices against vulgarity is immediately tagged with honour killings, acid attacks and terrorism support. These people simply fail to realize that if someone is against obscenity, it doesn’t mean that he is in favour of acid attacks (its not an with/against situation). It simply means that people are against a set of crimes which are committed in the name of liberating women. Treating woman as an object is the worst form of slavery, because the victims (women) usually don’t even know about it and they don’t realize the repercussions they have to face afterwards. Women objectified as a commodity in the commercial world often lead to their worst slavery.  Indeed vulgarity is a great marketing tool for attractiveness. It has its own charm, but its killing the basic moral values of a society. With the current pace, its leading us to collective suicide.

The greater evil is actually defending the evil. Why do certain people think that they look cool when they play devils advocate? As described by Peter Robbins, everyone wants to get attention but some want it by hook or by crook. Even if it means becoming a terrorist or taking your clothes off, both have the same purpose of seeking attention. A lot of poor girls are promised of a bright future and high levels of fortune in the fashion world by encouraging them to loose their moral and ethical values.

Those who defend vulgarity, also use the argument that it’s a non-issue and we are facing issues like poverty and lack of education. Indeed poverty is a greater cause to be addressed but moral values are also equally important. With no morality, we can not call ourselves human. Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) said that ‘Haya (modesty) is an ingredient of faith’ (Sahi Muslim). Alot of ahadith (sayings) of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) indicate the importance of modesty. All religions give value to modesty, as its the one of the main things which mainly differentiates the humans and animals.

The problem with the liberal fascists is their confused ideology. They are westernized products in desi packaging. They can’t get rid of their packaging and that’s their dilemma throughout their life. They even go to the extent of ridiculing Islamic values, just to ‘qualify’ being a liberal. They try to promote things which are forbidden in Islam (and other religions) just to look modern. Under the label of ‘personal choice’ they want to legalize homosexuality, yet they claim to be praying five times a day. Deep inside their hearts, somewhere they know that they are going against the human nature (Islam), but still they continue on the path of glitters, leaving gold aside.

Islam categorically is against promotion of vulgarity in masses. Even the purpose of offering daily prayers is defined in ch 29, v 45 as

‘ Verily, As-Salât (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fahshâ’ (shameful, vulgar deeds) and Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, every kind of evil wicked deed)’;

which simply means that if you are offering daily prayers, it should result in modesty. If its not, then there is some shortcoming somewhere. Quran has given very strict remarks about those who propagate nudity and vulgarity in the society, in Ch 24 v 19 it says:

‘Surely, those who like that lewdness spreads among the believers, for them there is painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter’.

But here comes again the same problem. Pseudo liberals always ridicule the solution of  ’repentance’ and returning to Almighty. For them creating a bond with the Creator is not a solution, but then they can’t provide any substantial solution either. In their own minds they are confused-but rather than trying to find answers, they continue to follow the blind path of ignorance. In the end, its for us (the masses) to decide what path we choose. Media depict of such issues brings vulgarity to the forefront & when viewed or read about over long periods of time, it will have a sadly numbing affect on our society (especially the future generations to come). Hence, whatever path we choose to follow must be clear & transparent. Right and wrong are clearly identified, choice is ours.

Muhammad Saad Khan

About the author

Muhammad Saad Khan is a Biomedical Engineer with a diverse background of engineering and management.

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  1. Agreed with you… No Haya No Life

  2. I am happy that at last somebody has spoken so eloquently on this issue!

  3. Ah! Waiting for such article for a long time!
    Well done Mr.

  4. saad khan.. you rock my brother… Love to have you on board at MBFC. Please don’t ever stop writing. A few dimensions are yet to be covered. I’m very happy to read such a satisfying post.

  5. Great. Brother Allaha aap ko mzeed acha lekhne ki tofeeq ata kare.

  6. Well said, brother Saad. Thank you for addressing this issue. InshAllah, the message can be understood and practiced.

  7. We must put up huge amount of efforts in order to promote the message of Modesty. Every individual who is supporting Good must offer his/her duty of Enjoining Good and Forbidding the Evil. A Good article which clearly exhibits the dilemma of the liberals… Would like to share it on facebook page against Immodesty.

  8. جس میں حیأ نہی اس میں ایمان نہی اور جس میں ایمان نہی وہ آذاد ہے جو چاہے کرے۔۔۔

  9. Well written.

    All of these ‘immoral’ values can be seen in majority of our Ads, naming and shaming below:

    1. SPRITE ‘funda’ – All of these ads have been disturbing, not amusing.
    2. VEET – Yea as if we all need to see Katrina Kaif’s legs for every ad break between news.
    3. Lux – More Katrina! NOT
    4. Some Refrigerator Ad with a model very tightly/sparingly clothed hugging the fridge – wth?

  10. This is an important issue that must be raised in Pakistani society. I wholly agree with the author’s contention that there is a section of the press bent on portraying as chic that which is ‘ultra-liberal’ and possibly (you may say ‘undeniably’) alien to Pak society and Islamic ideas of decency.

    But the author, to some extent, makes somewhat the same mistake as those ultra-liberal forces in generalizing a bit too much, and in not defining certain terms and limits. He writes:

    “Treating woman as an object is the worst form of slavery, because the victims (women) usually don’t even know about it and they don’t realize the repercussions they have to face afterwards. Women objectified as a commodity in the commercial world often lead to their worst slavery.”

    First, it would be helpful to show exactly how, and to what extent, women are objectified by these liberal quarters. Is all western dressing directed at ‘objectification’? Is there room for aesthetic concerns without objectification? (After all, very often beauty –as well as other things — is in the eye of the beholder, is it not?)
    I suppose another question that women whom the author describe as ultra-liberal would have is whether it is only the so called objectification of WOMEN that should be a concern. Are men not objectified? If so, then is that not slavery? (This raises deeper issues, related to the very dynamics of male-female relations and the relevance of old structures; which perhaps men more than women are concerned to preserve.)

    Once objectification is defined and established, it is the author’s job to show how it is “the worst form of slavery.” Is wearing a low-cut dress, and perhaps being oogled at by some men really a more miserable position to be than in, say, a shuttle-cock burqa on a hot summer’s day, when a simpler hijab is an option (if Islamic code is to be maintained)? Why is there never concern voice for the latter group of women? What is this slavery spoken of? Who’s word should we take on this? The respective women’s? Their menfolk’s?

    So, while I agree that there are many valid questions that can and should be raised, the author hasn’t really done that quite enough. In stead, he has chosen to repeat the platitudes of objectification and slavery. And while he has chosen relevant verses from the Holy Qur’an, he has not answered the questions as to what constitutes lewdness, which is warned against. For some, lewdness may be not covering the face. For others it may be the forearms. While the liberal press/quarter errs by lumping all concerns with acid-throwing, the author isn’t being very helping by not identifying where the line between the acid-throwers and blog-writers lie on matters of lewdness.

  11. Thanks to all for sparing time and giving feedback.

    @Pat Theman : Thanks for the lengthy feedback. If you see the embedded links (highlighted), you will find out which articles i was referring to and it explains the context of this article as well. The focus of the article is on the role of ‘media’ and ‘commercial world’ and not on individuals.

  12. Good. More educated people should voice their concern over issues of humanity, faith and values.

  13. jzak Allah Khair for this effective article!

  14. Well written jazakAllah!!

  15. @Mohammed Saad Khan: Point taken. I clicked on the links and got some idea as to what it was your were decrying. Fair enough.
    That said, I think that folks on “this side” of the ideological divide should also be also realize that some of the rhetoric (and it *is* just rhetoric; case in point, the first link — BIna Shah’s article) is purely reactionary. Reacting to what? Stuff like this:
    Saudi women with attractive eyes may be forced to cover even them up, if resolution is passed
    Read more:

    I wonder how many people on boards such as this one would agree that when women are asked to cover themselves virtually from head to toe (for fear of arousing men’s attentions and more) that is also a perpetuation of objectification in a sense. I hope I would not have to explain this. It seems self-evident enough.

    Anyway, the point is not to deny that you raise valid points yourself, but to suggest that much of what is objectionable on the liberal end of the spectrum is a reaction to what can be argued is objectionable on the other end.

  16. Very well written article and it says all in just one sentence ” They are westernized products in desi packaging.”
    We cant change our thoughts BCZ we are all very much impressed by so called western style and their vulgarity on the name of modernism……
    Shameful acts and I really want to cry when , I heard our models saying that why to shame on such things as this is their profession ? and we can do any thing to do justice with their modelling and acting. They don’t call it NUDITY … instead they say that they are proud of what they are doing and their work is appreciated on an international level.. They don’t know that they are earning HELL for them …but the question is that Why do we say ….? When Allah is there to do the JUSTICE
    What else is remained… ?

  17. A nice article indeed, I think now the liberal society should know what is their position in an Islamic society like Pakistan. Modesty can never be denied, but if denied a strong reaction might he there. See the links below you will find more info from my blog:
    An article on the immodesty in media:

    An article form my friend Sharjeel, he is a member of Islamic organisation:

    Comparison of the different reaction towards lawn billboards in Karachi:

  18. Saad, another thing I want to communicate, Pat Theman deserve a long reply from you. Hope you will satisfy him.

  19. wo kehtey hien jiss ka mafhoom hai

    naiki ka hukam kertey raho aur birai sey roktey raho. Some good things are like made bad by media or practices over period of time. Those who say the right thing when no-one says it are the most courageous.

  20. MashAllah great

  21. Masha Allah.couldn’t have been said better.

  22. Very well written brother. AGREE with you. We need people like you and your pen.

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