
Love Conquers The World

Aug 28th, 2014 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, Religion, Social

Love Conquers The World (محبت فاتح عالم) I thought of contemporary love as a feeling of deception that you have for somebody, enslaving you to inferior desires. It was not until I read عشق کے پانچ درجے1 by Khurram Ali Shafique and discovered Iqbal through his Marghdeen2. This change introduced me to that powerful love […]

The Regime of Reason

Dec 19th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Social, World

Your intelligence is different from mine. And mine is different from yours. Times changed. “My intelligence is superior to yours”, said Reason. Who and what is ‘Reason’? Reason was born and raised like any other intelligence. It too lived on the imaginative outskirts of human minds. It too insisted that it had a point. ‘A […]

Feminism – Are We Doing It Wrong?

Nov 1st, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, Social

Feminism (Oxford definition) – the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. EQUALITY! Not supremacy.  Feminism is all about advocating women’s rights not advocating their supremacy above any other human being and certainly not about loathing men like some sort of filth. Then why exactly do some self proclaimed “feminists” […]

Ghazali Premier College – An Untold Story

Sep 18th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, Social

I was invited for a talk to Ghazali Premier College  (GPC) and I was very surprised when I visited the place.  Without any doubt, it was one of the best institutions I had seen in years. GPC immediately became an inspiration for me. Muhammad Tariq, the director of GPC left a lucrative job in Dubai […]

Live and Let Die!

Sep 15th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Social

  It was cold. That’s for sure. It was dark- but in dark times, what difference does it make. Two twin boys. Not more than five or six years of age. They were one and apart. They were alone. Perhaps orphans. Their only source of refuge was in each other and the power of imagination […]

The ‘Begum’ and ‘Saheb’ Culture

Sep 11th, 2013 | By | Category: Featured, Latest, Pakistan, Religion, Social

Come, visualize with me.. Sakeena, a 10 year old who has never been to school, never enjoyed playing with dolls let alone the funky hi-tech gadgets,  is carrying a 1 year old in her lap, sitting on a table distant to begum saheba’s. Her dull glitterless clothes, unadorned arms and ears tell us, she’s the odd one. […]

The Morning Show Circus

Sep 8th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Media Watch, Pakistan, Social

A while back, I was watching a morning-show when one of the guests on the show compared two very famous morning show hosts to Oprah Winfrey and called them the Oprah Winfreys of Pakistan. The next minute, I was cleaning the tea I had spilled on the table. As much as I wish with all […]

How I Came to Love the Veil

Sep 4th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Religion, Social, World

Politicians and journalists just love to write about the oppression of women in Islam … without even talking to the females beneath the veil. They simply have no idea how Muslim women are protected and respected within the Islamic framework which was built more than 1400 years ago. Yet, by writing about cultural issues like […]

In the Name of National Security

Jun 26th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Social

STOP! Hands up! Halt! Pass through the full body scanner, motor bikes, pillion riding and cellular services are banned. Do not dare take your mobile phone, camera, or any other electronic device for the matter, inside the building/office and hand it over to the guard (don’t forget; they have no liability in case of damage […]

Being Human

Jun 18th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, Social

Every day, the news channels give an estimated figure of deaths due to target killing, bomb-blasts, sectarian barbarism etc. But those figures are inaccurate. There are more deaths than we can fathom. Each day, we all die as a society, nation and as human beings. We turned off our humanity a long time ago. We […]