Posts Tagged ‘ yellow journalism ’

The Quranic Concept of Truth and Journalism

Apr 3rd, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Media Watch, Pakistan, Religion

“We need not be theologians to see that we have shifted responsibility for making the world interesting from God to the newspaperman.” (Daniel J Boorstin) This article could have begun with an example of Yellow Journalism. A sensational headline bound to attract, opening lines to chill the spine, spicy factoids sugarcoated as facts, an agenda to […]

A virtual world

Jan 12th, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, Social

Are you really laughing when you are writing LOL and do you really mean it when you show love/hate expressions on social media networks? Are the emotions expressed on social media real or fake? These questions pop up on a daily basis asking about the credibility of this virtual world.  The answer is not simple; […]

Be Wary of The Headlines

Jun 8th, 2011 | By | Category: Media Watch

“Muslim beauty stoned to death’’ was a headline, I came across  on a news website. The screaming headline is a perfect example of yellow journalism gone wild. Unfortunately these dirty tactics of marketing news have become a norm. The news was picked up from British and Ukrainian newspapers which in summary said, “Aspiring Miss Ukraine […]