Posts Tagged ‘ terrorism ’

Who is Behind the Bloodbath?

Sep 30th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, World

The catalogue of bloodbath in the Muslim world is harrowing and sickening. I want to know who is responsible for it all. It has been a bloody week – the Westgate shopping centre massacre in Nairobi that left 67 people dead, the killing spree of students in North Eastern Nigeria has left 50 students dead, […]

Reclaiming The Jihad: A Response to Tarek Fatah

Jun 4th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Media Watch, Religion, World

To condemn the Woolwich incident, spine-chilling and disgusting as it may be_ is pointless. Not because it may by any stretch of imagination be justified, but because the haste and anxiety with which this is so promptly done both by spokespeople of Western nations and by Muslim leaders denotes the uncritical acceptance of the predominant […]

3/11 – Afghans will never forget

Mar 13th, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, World

Here comes the defining moment in Afghanistan’s infamous war; 11 deadly years of violence that has jeopardized the entire region seems closer to a reverse tide as US faces a deadly situation post recent ‘massacre’ by its rogue staff sergeant at the pre-dawn of  11th March. Sixteen Afghan civilians including 9 children and women along […]

Zofia and Władysław Turowicz – Pakistanis By Choice

Mar 3rd, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, Social

I, the author of this memorial, am a 31 years old urban female who lives in a big developed capital city of the 18th wealthiest economy in the world and every single day I am fed with stories of blasts and bombings and picture of hostile Muslim world, especially Pakistan. However I am an orientalist focused […]


Aug 13th, 2011 | By | Category: Latest, World

Call him an assailant, an attacker, a gunman, a guy with a bad temperament; anything but a terrorist. After all, does he look like a terrorist? No, not at all! He has blond hair and white skin. He’s not Muzzlim. Well he did kill above ninety people, and yes he should not have done that; […]

A mere number!

Jun 18th, 2011 | By | Category: Social

What have we come to? Are we not a mess? It is as though our humanity has been stripped away from us. Violence, violence, and more violence, plus so much of indifference! We have lost our ability to feel; to feel the sacredness of the value of life. Human suffering is gradually meaning to us […]