Posts Tagged ‘ violence ’

Just Another Day

Sep 25th, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, Religion

By this time most papers have stated the obvious about what went wrong on Friday (Youm-e-Ishq-e-rasool Day declared by Government against the blasphemous film) along with the perceived causes. Subjects dealt with included freedom of speech vs. hate speech, Terry Jones and background of filmmaker Nakoula Bassey Nakoula, provocation and our response, and to top […]

Ishq e Rasool – Let’s talk about it

Sep 24th, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, Religion, World

That a thirteen-minute long tawdry inanity from a dubious manic character could trigger off an uproar both from the emotionally and psychologically volatile fundamentalist groups as well as from states and governments is something that needs talking about. Complex social trends are taking over, quite beyond taming- a plethora of forces, factors, ideas and ideologies […]