Posts Tagged ‘ pti ’

Out of Leaden Sleep, Out of Slumber Deep. Arise!

May 13th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan

Out of leaden sleep, Out of slumber deep. Arise! –Iqbal Our elections are no different than our cricket matches. ‘The boys played well’ but the match was fixed. While PML-N takes the trophy home, MQM becomes the party of the series by Mr. Abdul Waseem and Mr. Nabil Gabol getting approximately 370 votes/minute and 314 […]

A Brave New Pakistan Under Construction

May 12th, 2013 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan

The election results have without doubt been the most decisive in Pakistan’s tortuous path towards political maturity. While it may be considered a setback for those seeking change, it was indeed a heavy price paid by the governing PPP ruled by the Bhutto dynasty. Their mismanagement of Pakistan ranged from the devastating floods to the rising […]

Peace March, Political Stunt and Killer Drones

Oct 9th, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan

You don’t have to be a PTI worker to see what Imran Khan’s peace march to Waziristan has achieved. Nor can you be so blind, unable to read and recognise the hypocrisy written all over Fazl-ur-Rehman’s and Abdul Ghafoor Haidri’s statements calling Imran Khan an agent of the ‘Jews’ and by personally attacking his ex-wife […]