Posts Tagged ‘ Muslim ’

Froth upon the sea

Aug 3rd, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, Religion, World

Islam is the second largest religion of the world with around 2 billion followers. It is the most practiced religion with followers in almost every part of the world.Its followers, Muslims, are generally very proud of their religious identity. But the plight of the Muslim nation,the Ummah as they call it, is not as it […]

Of M-Theories, God Particles and Multiverses

May 1st, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Pakistan, Religion, World

“There is a probably apocryphal story, that when Laplace was asked by Napoleon, how God fitted into this system, he replied, ‘Sire, I have not needed that hypothesis.”-Stephen Hawking: Does God Play Dice? There is a new Church and a new Clergy: Modern Science and Scientists. They may not chant incantations in Latin no one […]