Posts Tagged ‘ facebook ’

Cyber World and its Perils

Aug 21st, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Media Watch, Social, World

Cyber world has become a perpetual world where we all live in and yet we don’t. This is the next big frontier which the western masters have innovated and trying to conquer. Cyber space might be the perfect place for mind warfare. Victory here means conquest of whole mind kind. This idea must sound absurd […]

Are there any rules for a social media debate ?

Feb 19th, 2012 | By | Category: Latest, Media Watch, Social

Do we follow any common rules whenever we debate over social media? The stories of bashing and abusive languages are very common when anyone tries to share personal opinion, in favour of or against any issue. Those who portray themselves as tolerant and liberal also lose their patience when they run out of arguments. The […]